Our Lovable, but Weird Canines

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Our Lovable, but weird Canines! 

We love them to the moon and back, but don’t dogs do some really weird stuff? Below, we’ll try to explain just why our dogs do the things they do! 

Why is My Dog Yawning? 

PetMd.com offers a few educated guesses about why dogs yawn: 

~ It’s a stressful response 

~ It’s K9-to-K9 communication 

~ Dogs are actually imitating us (a K9 behavior coined “contagious yawning”)


Why Do their Paws Smell Like Fritos? 

It’s the combination of two types of natural bacteria picked up by your dog’s paws from soil or water along with the sweat from their pads that creates the smell of corn chips! 

The smell is normal, but if your dog is excessively licking their paws, the smell could instead be a sign of an 

infection or inflammation from the presence of yeast. So check in with your vet for a proper diagnosis. 

Why does my dog sleep on his back? 

Seriously, it just looks ridiculously uncomfortable when a dog sleeps on his back especially without a soft bed! So why do they do it? 

There’s no simple answer why dogs choose this particular position, but it DOES say a lot about how the dog is feeling at that moment. Sleeping on their back shows how secure and safe they feel in their environment. A fearful or anxious dog will never expose their vulnerable belly especially when they are asleep. 

Why do they chew my dirty laundry? 

This one is pretty easy to answer and it’s because:
~ Dirty clothes smell like you (their favorite person); 

~ Your dirty clothes taste yummy;
~ Your dog is anxious and your scent comforts them; and/or ~ Your dog is bored! 

(Sources: ColdNoseNews.com, PetMD.com, DogingtonPost.com and VetStreet.com) 

Nicole Pablico