What's With All the Licking?

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Why does my dog lick me all the time, especially in the face? Are they desperate for salt? Is this habit harmful to them in any way?

Dogs usually get plenty of sodium (salt) in their diet, what they are most likely doing when they lick your face is begging for food. Between the time when puppies are getting all of their nourishment from their mother and the time they can eat solid food their mother will vomit partially digested food for them when they lick her face. So when your dog is giving you kisses, sorry, they are actually like a little kid in a candy store saying, “Buy me that candy bar! Buy me that candy bar!” 

Licking things are not necessarily harmful, it’s what they are licking that can be harmful. If you have an incessant licker on your hands, make sure to distract them with several food dispensing toys or puzzles. Just make sure you subtract what you’ve fed them in treats/food to what you feed them daily. Even 5 pounds can make a huge difference on a dogs health, especially for the little ones.

If they are licking themselves it could be due to allergies (food / environmental) or an injury in the area they are licking. 

No matter the reason, who doesn’t love Doggy Kisses!!

(Source: DOGWatch)

Nicole Pablico