Why are Dogs Scared of Fireworks?

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Fireworks are a fun and exciting way to celebrate the holidays. For dogs, though, those loud booms and flashing lights aren’t so fun.

More pets run away on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year. So it’s critical to ensure people can identify your dog and contact you if they run off out of fear. Getting them microchipped well in advance of such holidays, having a picture of you and your dog date stamped and ID tags are great ways to ID and prove your dog is yours.


  1. They’re Loud

    Most fireworks make some kind of loud sound. Dogs have a more acute sense of hearing than humans, so those loud booms, crackles, and whistles are alarming.

  2. They’re Unpredictable

    You expect fireworks on holidays like the Fourth of July, but for your dog, it’s just another day. Firecrackers come without warning and the loud noises and flashing lights sound and look different each time. Plus, they come at different intervals and from different directions, so dogs can’t get used to them.

  3. They Pose a Threat

    The noise and unpredictability of fireworks lead many dogs to see them as a threat. This triggers their fight-or-flight response. Your dog may bark at the noises or try to run away and hide. They may show other signs of anxiety, too, like restlessness, panting, pacing, and whining.

  4. Fireworks Make Dogs Feel Trapped

    Fireworks are inescapable on holidays like the Fourth of July. So if the noises trigger your dog’s flight response, they will try to run from the threat. Unfortunately, there’s often nowhere to go, you can hear those loud booms indoors as well as out.


Thankfully, there are several things you can do to help your dog feel safe and secure.

  1. Keep them Inside

    Even if your dog spends most of the time outdoors, bring them inside during firework displays. This will prevent them from running away when feeling scared, which can create a dangerous situation.

  2. Create a Safe Space

    If your dog is crate-trained, make their crate available, as that’s probably already a safe space for them. If not, put them in a bathroom or other small room with music or white noise to help drown out the boom of fireworks. Bringing their bed, blankets, and toys into the room can create a more comfy feeling.

  3. Try a Calming Wrap

    Calming wraps, vests, and shirts apply light, constant pressure. Many dogs find this soothing and calming. You may find such products help in other anxiety-inducing situations, like thunderstorms.

  4. Desensitize

    Start working with your dog far enough in advance to desensitize them to fireworks and other loud noises. You can start this process by playing fireworks sounds on a low level while playing with your dog and giving him treats. Over time, slowly increase the sound of the fireworks during these play sessions. Eventually, your dog will associate the sound of fireworks with happy and fun moments.

Not all dogs are afraid of fireworks, but it’s important to remember your dog will take cues from you. If you make a big deal out of them when they’re not scared, they may eventually develop anxiety around fireworks. So make an effort to keep your dog calm, but remember to remain calm yourself.

Nicole Pablico