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Even Dogs Have an “Ideal” Weight

Dogs can and do carry excess weight just as we do, exercise should be a part of their daily routine. If you cannot see your dogs ribs or, for long haired dogs, if you cannot feel them, they are most likely over weight. Excess fat can be detrimental to their health, even just 5-10 pounds can cause respiratory disorders, kidney dysfunction, inflammation in the joints, etc…

Tips to maintaining a healthy weight

  • Feed them a high quality diet, read the ingredients instead of going with a trendy brand

  • Do NOT free feed all day, keep them on a schedule (hint … this also helps with potty training)

  • Measure all food and treat portions, if you know you’re going to train with treats cut down on their food portion

  • Exercise every day

For more information visit PetObesityAwareness.com

Nicole Pablico